About us

Our law firm consists of closely co-operating individual lawyers. Our clientele includes both individuals (citizens) as well as longer-term customers from among small and medium-sized companies, housing partnerships, housing associations and municipalities. We provide legal services when our clients need help in various private life situations, in business, property management or public administration. We follow in footsteps of JUDr. Josef Holub (1947-2017) who had been an active lawyer since 1979 and established our office in 1990 within the liberated, free-market environment. Since then we have resided in a historical residence Libochvíle in Kladno within walking distance from the District Court in Kladno.
Arrangement of Legal Representation The first step is an initial interview. This first meeting is charged as a legal service. Its date can be arranged by telephone or e-mail. In case that the after the initial discussion we agree on arranging a legal representation, the client grants a power of attorney to the lawyer, a record of legal representation arrangement is made that will also include an agreement on legal fees. In some cases, a Mandate Contract is made instead. Depending on the legal matter, some clients put down a deposit on the legal fees. Legal Fees Legal fees are based on the type of the legal issue and its complexity. Fees are agreed either as a flat fee for the whole matter, as an hourly rate or contingency fees (i.e. a percentage of the amount awarded to the client in the case based on our legal activities). The fee usually increased by the awarded costs of proceedings that is to be paid by the counterparty. Hourly rate starts at 2000 CZK + VAT per working hour of the lawyer.

Cena právních služeb se odvíjí zejména od typu právního problému a jeho složitosti. Cenu sjednáváme buď dohodou za vyřízení celé věci, hodinovou odměnou nebo odměnou ve formě podílové odměny, tj. určitou procentní sazbou z finančního prospěchu, který klient na základě naší činnosti získá. Odměna se zpravidla zvyšuje o přiznanou náhradu nákladů řízení, kterou má zaplatit protistrana. Sazba hodinové odměny je od 2400 Kč + DPH / 1 hod. práce advokáta.

Our services are provided by the following lawyers

JUDr. Jan Holub, LL.M.

(+420) 312 246 590


Mgr. Dalibor Vagenknecht
co-operating attorney

(+420) 312 246 590


JUDr. Ladislav Šustr, Ph.D.

(+420) 312 248 554


Contact details and how to find us

Office address

Kleinerova 1504
272 01 Kladno

Cars can be parked at the
Billa supermarket parking place at Kleinerova street (opposite the office).

Parking fee: 30 CZK/hour
